Work, professional development, and politics in debate in an intervention-research in a Basic Health Unit in Porto Alegre (RS)




Labor clinics, Instruction to the double, Cartography, Politics, Professional development


This article discusses the relationship between work, professional development, and politics based on an intervention-research experience conducted with workers of a Basic Health Unit in the city of Porto Alegre. We begin by positioning the “work-education-politics” triad, outlining our understanding of this relationship. Next, we present the main theoretical-methodological operators used in this research, highlighting the use of cartography and the device of the instruction to the double. Finally, we developed excerpts of the analyzed material with the proposed conceptual and methodological operators, indicating that the analysis of the activity leads to posing problems to the knowledge built at work, constituting other ways of working in the midst of debates that involve decisions related to the impacts of the work for the workers and the territory where they work. We conclude, based on the investigation carried out, that the construction of knowledge when working is not only a weaving of itself, or of knowledge, but also, and necessarily, of the policy itself, since living the/in/through work, normalizing the processes again, implies weaving the modes to live together.


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How to Cite

Work, professional development, and politics in debate in an intervention-research in a Basic Health Unit in Porto Alegre (RS). (2023). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 26, e-193406.