Autopoeisis, estruturas dissipativas e processos históricos em economia


  • A. W. Coats



autopoeisis, dissipative structures, historical processes, history of economics, methodology of economics


New developments in the physical sciences, such as the study of autopoeitic systems and dissipative structures, represent a welcome addition to the economists' intellectual armory. Linked as they are to an evolutionary and holistic research tradition, they might free the economists from the strait jacket of general equilibrium theory, and allow them to better focus individual decision making under uncertainty and social constraints. Autopoeisis and related concepts may also shed a new light on the problem of coordination of individual activities in the market, thus constituting important devices in the construction of dynamic models.


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How to Cite

Coats, A. W. (1992). Autopoeisis, estruturas dissipativas e processos históricos em economia. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo), 22(3), 351-373.