Education in emergencies: a review of the literature (1999-2020)
Education in emergencies, Strategies, Interventions, ResearchAbstract
We present a literature review on education in emergencies. Education in emergencies is an action and an area work reported since the end of the last century. It studies education in emergency situations. It requires continuous strategies, interventions and research due to its nature, dynamics and possibilities. In this review, the aim is to analyze objects, purposes, theories and methodologies from publications of this area. Based on this review, we provide information for researchers and teachers about topics and problems for researching. Also, we selected and analyzed 65 papers and they were classified as conceptual, of intervening and of researching. Results were characterized in three components: (i) educational processes (ii) protection and (iii) skills and particularities. We highlight an understanding of education in emergencies as an area work and the need to broaden the approach of research topics to generate developments in the area, in methodologies and objects of study focusing fast, flexible, and effective designs to attend emergencies, with criteria for continuous evaluation of their impacts and adaptability to other emergencies.
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