The discursive construction of reality in the National Common Curricular Base
National Common Curricular Base, Social theory of discourse, High schoolAbstract
In the field of education, the examination of political documents is open to different analytical perspectives including the one known as the Social Theory of Discourse, which is based on the three-dimensional conception of discourse: text, discursive practice and social practice. Based on this theory, we analyzed the discursive constitution of reality in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) of Brazil. On one hand, the conception of reality harmonizes with the justification of politics as well as contributes to building consensus around it by identifying the problems to be solved by education, and it also points out the conditions of the school’s performance in the world, so that it can outline the pedagogical guidelines to be assumed by the school. In addition, the practice of discursive constitution of reality exerts force to impel the subjects to carry out what is prescribed through the document. We argue that the discursive construction of reality in BNCC presupposes the perception of antihistorical reality, driven by scientific-technological development, which, in turn, demands from education the development of skills and abilities that enable the adaptation of subjects in the capitalist production. The analysis carried out also allows to indicate possible dimensions to be explored drawing from the Social Theory of Discourse, such as the tendency to individualize the educational process.
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