Profile of the legal education professor: views and tensions about being and doing teaching
Teaching profile, Didactic-pedagogical training, Legal educationAbstract
The lack of didactic-pedagogical training of professors for teaching work is one of the facets of the chronic crisis affecting legal education. However, it is not enough to offer this training, it is necessary to discuss the theoretical-conceptual concepts that guide the training process, as these are responsible for outlining the contours of the profile of the professor that is sought to be trained and the model of legal education that is sought to consolidate. Therefore, the objective of this article is to understand the implications of didactic-pedagogical training offered through stricto sensu postgraduate academic courses in law, taking as a premise the perceptions of graduates regarding being and doing teaching, thus outlining, the profiles of legal education professors. Bibliographic and field research, qualitative data treatment and content analysis were the methodological guidelines for the development of the research. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 90 legal education professors who graduated from master’s or doctorate courses in law located in the State of Paraná between 2017 and 2020. In the final considerations, the prevalence of the technical-practical profile (27%) was verified. regarding the conception of a legal education professor, which reveals a pragmatic and instrumental view of being and doing teaching. However, it was also noted the emergency of a critical-emancipatory vision of teaching (23%), a profile that has as its parameter the formation of an agent who transforms reality, committed to the humanization of the subject.
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