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The item 'trouxa' in Portuguese on Twitter


  • Aléxia Teles Duchowny Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Caroline de Oliveira Silva UFMG



item trouxa, Historical Semantics, Twitter, Etymology, Portuguese language


The aim is to analyze the item trouxa of the Portuguese language, which currently has two meanings: the etymological of “bundle (of clothes)” and the innovative of “silly person, easy to be deceived”. The item underwent a process of “pejoratization” by its users, a phenomenon described by Semantic Linguistics in which the word has a negative evaluation. Thus trouxa, a term to refer to a concrete object until the nineteenth century, also refers to a foolish person, or made foolish by others. On Twitter, where the written language has many characteristics of orality, the use of the term to refer to someone silly is very recurrent, with various nominal forms.


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Author Biography

  • Caroline de Oliveira Silva, UFMG

    Undergraduate student of UFMG


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How to Cite

Teles Duchowny, A., & Silva, C. de O. (2020). The item ’trouxa’ in Portuguese on Twitter. Filologia E Linguística Portuguesa, 22(Especial), 189-203.