Global tectonics in geography textbooks of the 1st grade of high school: a content analysis
Earth sciences, Geographic education, Geosciences teaching, Vulcanism, Plate tectonicsAbstract
The present work analyzes the content on Plate Tectonics in Geography textbooks of the 1st Grade of High School, distributed by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. The purpose of the work is to collect data and analyze the quality of imagery and textual representations, the relevance of this content in school education and whether it allows to establish a connection with situations or cases observable in landscapes. The analysis seeks to quantify and qualify the information on Plate Tectonics present in 14 textbooks, observing whether the information on the subject in question provides clear and correct subsidies that assist in the teaching of Geography in Basic Education. There was a need for greater attention regarding the presentation of this theme in Geography textbooks, since it was identified, in many books, the absence of relevant information and the urgent need for fundamental corrections.
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