Off/On: the construction of virtual identity through socialization through videogames and the production of new social relations on the margins of the virtual and the non-virtual




videogames, digital socialisation, virtual identity, world of warcraft, virtual ethnography


This article invites us to think about relationships between the off-line-online in several dimensions: agency capacity, socializations, identities and what is virtual/real. Through an analysis of the World of Warcraft videogame and part of its community, we try to understand how its virtual social space works, what are the rules that this space has, how gamers make up their own virtual identity, and how they dialogue and tension through the off and the online. Through semi-structured interviews and virtual participant observation, data is collected that intends to illustrate the argument regarding the new ways of building socialization and social relationships, and how they wander from the superficial to the most significant, on one axis, and from virtual to non-virtual, on another axis.


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Dossiê Sociologia Digital e suas reflexões

How to Cite

Caro Villegas, C., & Marambio-Tapia, A. . (2023). Off/On: the construction of virtual identity through socialization through videogames and the production of new social relations on the margins of the virtual and the non-virtual. Plural, 30(01), 149-168.