Claudio Santoro's Mutationen I for industrial harpsichord and tape

a protest work?


  • Carlo Vinícius Rosa Arruda Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Claudio Santoro, Electroacoustic music, 20th Century, Antoinette Vischer, institucional Act #5


Claudio Santoro’s Mutationen I is the first piece of a series of twelve Works that have the same title. With different instruments and magnetic tape, this first piece, created in 1968 for Harpsichord and Tape, is constituted of elements that is known from vanguard and experimental music of the time in association with the instrument that – during the first half of the 20th century – served as reference for the representation of the “sound of the Harpsichord”: the Industrial Harpsichord. This is about a work with very few visits, perhaps for bringing unconventional approaches for the instruments that are commonly used nowadays, such as the historically copied harpsichord. The main goal treats of a brief bibliographic exposition of the social and political ideals that occured at the time that may be served as powerforce for the creation of this series of twelve pieces, which may generate wide comprehention of what Santoro claims as the « democratization of Eletronic Music ».


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Author Biography

  • Carlo Vinícius Rosa Arruda, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Possui graduação em Comunicação Social pela Universidade de Uberaba (2006), graduação em Música pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2013) e mestrado em Música pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2012). Doutor em Música pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2017). Tem experiência na área de Artes, com ênfase em Música, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Claudio Santoro (1919-1989) e apectos relacionados ao cravo. Professor de Teclado do Conservatório Estadual de Música Renato Frateschi.


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How to Cite

Claudio Santoro’s Mutationen I for industrial harpsichord and tape: a protest work?. (2019). Revista Música, 19(2), 319-338.