Narrative soundscapes in cinema: three soundtracks by Tōru Takemitsu (1962-1966)


  • Andrés Duarte Loza Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Soundscape, Narrative, Takemitsu, Film, Music


The present work proposes a model of music and sound analysis of film soundtracks by the Japanese composer Tōru Takemitsu in three collaborations with the director Hiroshi Teshigahara and the novelist, playwright and screenwriter Kōbō Abe: Pitfall (1962), Woman in the dunes (1964) and The face of another (1966). Takemitsu could be seeing in these productions as a precursor of the narrative soundscape composition applied to the field of cinema, since his musical and aesthetic thoughts on music composition for cinema had a great affinity with Canadian composer Raymond Murray Schafer’s concept of soundscape and his music philosophy. Mainly, due to their common interest in John Cage. The methodological approach combines acoustic environment categories of analysis provided by the field of soundscapes studies, other categories from the field of film music and sound studies, also categories that belongs to the traditional Japanese arts and music, and, in addition, categories developed by Takemitsu himself. We specially analyzed the narrative function of the soundtrack in relation to the different narrative levels proposed by the screenplay.


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Duarte Loza, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

    Andrés Duarte Loza es músico, compositor y docente-investigador. Profesor titular de Diseño Sonoro del Departamento de Música y del Departamento de Artes Audiovisuales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Profesor titular de Artes Musicales de Japón del Instituto Superior de Estudios Japoneses. Profesor Nacional de Música por el IUNA. Licenciado en Composición por la UNLP. Magister en Artes con especialidad en música, graduado con honores por la Universidad de Artes de Tokio, Japón. Fue becario de posgrado en música del Gobierno de Japón (MEXT). Por su labor en la institución fue distinguido con el Premio Acanthus otorgado por la Escuela de Música de Posgrado de la Universidad de Artes de Tokio. Con posterioridad fue profesor invitado en el Departamento de Música de dicha universidad.


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How to Cite

Narrative soundscapes in cinema: three soundtracks by Tōru Takemitsu (1962-1966). (2021). Revista Música, 21(1), 131-204.