The Rhetoric of documentary in field recordings


  • Gustavo Branco Germano Universidade de São Paulo



Gravação de Campo, Fonografia, Documentário, Arte Sonora, Estudos do Som


In this article, I discuss the use of the term “documentary” for describing a specific segment of artistic soundworks that employ field recordings. First, I show how documentary photography and cinema was put under suspicion in the second half of the XXth century. Then, taking Carl Plantinga’s characterization of documentary cinema as a point of departure, I propose that documentation doesn’t need to subscribe to criteria such as impartiality, transparency and an ethics of non-manipulation. Finally, through a brief presentation of Ernst Karel’s Heard Laboratories (2010), I argue that recordings presented as documentary often provoke a particular effect in the way we hear and interpret these sounds.


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How to Cite

The Rhetoric of documentary in field recordings. (2022). Revista Música, 22(2), 155-169.

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