Three composers in Latin America: interviews with Javier Álvarez, Tatiana Catanzaro and Germán Toro Pérez.




contemporary music, decoloniality, Latin American music, electroacoustic music


The present article was carried out with the support of the Research Stays Program of the Autonomous University of Mexico 2023 and aims to present a series of dialogues held with two male composers and one female composer from Latin America. These critical interviews do not intend to cover all aspects of their work but rather to reflect on their body of work, their formative years, the paths they have taken as creators, and so on. The interviews were conducted under different circumstances and are part of a larger project that seeks to reflect on the landscape of musical composition in Latin America. The composers selected for this work are: Javier Álvarez, Tatiana Catanzaro, and Germán Toro Pérez.


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Author Biographies

  • Daniel Quaranta, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Daniel Quaranta is a composer and works within the realm of contemporary music, both electroacoustic and instrumental. He was born in Argentina and settled in Rio de Janeiro in 1995. He completed a Bachelor's degree in Composition from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, 2004), graduated from Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, 1991), obtained a master's degree in Music from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ, 2002), and a PhD in Music from the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO, 2007). Between 2014/15, he undertook a postdoctoral stint at the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts (CMMAS, 2014/15 with a scholarship from Capes). He is a professor at UNIRIO - Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. He participates in the Postgraduate Program in Music at UNIRIO. From 2003 to 2005, he founded the EXPERIMENTA group in Rio de Janeiro, conducting numerous concerts and participating in installation spaces alongside composers and instrumentalists. From 2009 to 2013, he created the International Meeting of Music and Sound Arts – EIMAS-, organizing numerous concerts and lectures, promoting the new music circuit at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. He has mainly worked in areas of Musical Composition, Analysis, and Musical Theory. His works have been published by publishers in Germany, Brazil, and Mexico. In 2014, he organized the book "Ten Views on Today's Music" and in 2017 he organized the book: Musical Creation and Academic Research, published in Mexico ( In 2021, the book: Current Perspectives in the Creation and Analysis of Electroacoustic Music, published by the Music and Science collection of UNQ - Argentina. As a composer, his work has been presented in various scenarios in the country and abroad. He is active in the Latin American Sound Art Network where he participated in three CDs. In 2017, he recorded the CD "ENCONTRI" in Italy. In 2009 and 2004, he won the Reina Sofia prize from Spain. In 2015, he received a commission for the celebrations of the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Rio de Janeiro. His work was recognized by the IBERMUSICAS scholarship program in 2017 and 2019 for Contemporary Composition and Touring. He has conducted numerous residencies as a guest composer, such as Days of Electroacoustic Music 2015/17, 2012/14/15 at CMMAS, 2018 at ICST (Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology) of the Zurich University of the Arts, and in 2019 at the Métamorphose D'Orphée studios in Belgium.

  • Francisco Colasanto, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Morelia

    Francisco Colasanto was born on June 22, 1971, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has been residing in Morelia, Mexico, since 2006. He holds a Ph.D. (with honors) in Musical Technology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and a Bachelor's degree in Electroacoustic Composition from the National University of Quilmes, Argentina.

    He has received the following awards: Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of Spain (2000), Creation Grant from the Antorchas Foundation (2004), Juan Carlos Paz Award granted by the National Fund for the Arts (2005), Commission from LIEM, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid (2006), "Live Electronic Music Competition 2006" at Harvard University, Giga-Hertz Award 2009 at ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, Ibermúsicas Award 2013, and Cultural Projects and Co-investments Promotion Program 2018.

    He is a full-time Academic Technician at level A and serves as the Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Music and Artistic Technology at ENES-Morelia, UNAM.

    He has authored the book "Max/MSP: Programming Guide for Artists."

    Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Director at the Mexican Center for Music and Sound Arts (CMMAS).

    He directs the musical project "Doctor Zoppa" (


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How to Cite

Three composers in Latin America: interviews with Javier Álvarez, Tatiana Catanzaro and Germán Toro Pérez. (2023). Revista Música, 23(2), 87-110.