Diversidade religiosa: o motor da desconfessionalização do ensino religioso em escolas confessionais
Confessional schools, Religious diversity, Values, Deconfessionalization of religious educationAbstract
This study analyzes the presence of religious diversity in elite confessional schools in Brazil, investigating how this diversity is reflected in their values and pedagogical programs. The research is based on data from the School Census and information collected from the websites of 18 traditional confessional schools in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Using data science techniques, the research extracted information from the Censuses (2007- 2023) and about the approach to religious diversity from the schools’ websites and documents. The study seeks to understand whether the inclusion of religious diversity in the pedagogical proposals of confessional schools contributes to the deconfessionalization of religious education. The results show that despite the ideological freedom guaranteed by law, these schools face pressures from the state and society to promote respect for differences.
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