Shopping at Shein: viralization of running consumption via the internet
sustainability, digital platform, shein, fast-fashionAbstract
This article aims to contextualize consumerism and the possibility of increased disposal of garments in the environment resulting from the media action of digital content by fashion influencers in the face of Shein's fast-fashion acquisitions. This is a basic, qualitative and descriptive research, outlined by a bibliographical research - from the theoretical basis that touches the media content related to the purchase of garments that are produced from the perspective of fast-fashion. Through the intentional sample, the influencers’ rampant consumption was observed to reach the virality of media content about the acquisition of clothing items to contribute to entertainment, through actions shared by the influencers in the receptive audiovisual videos.
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Copyright (c) 2023 José Heitor da Silva, Lucas da Rosa, Icléia Silveira

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