Between the artistic and the advertising: brand effects and recall of Lollapalooza festival posters
urban art, advertising, consumer neuroscience, eye tracker, memoryAbstract
This study investigates the role of artistic posters at the Lollapalooza festival as communication tools that blend art and advertising. Using methods from consumer neuroscience such as eye tracking, it analyzes how these visual interventions capture audience attention and influence brand memorization. By exploring this intersection between contemporary art and marketing strategies, this study provides insights into how the aesthetics of posters contribute to consumer perception and experience, highlighting the potential of posters as symbolic elements that exceed mere advertisements to engage and emotionally connect the audience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Vinícius Alves Sarralheiro, Thais Kaori Oyakawa, Alex Ribeiro Chagas, Juliana Reis Nogueira de Lima, Gabriel Vítor Lima Rosas, Marina Faleiro Caiado

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