Apologetics and poetics: a translator’s reflections on Judith Teixeira’s use of her own poetry in the public lecture de mim





Judith Teixeira, literary apologia, Portuguese modernist poetry, literature of Sodom


This article is structured around my translation of two of Judith Teixeira’s most iconic poems into English. When, in 1926, Teixeira published De Mim in defence of her work and aesthetics, she chose two of her own poems to exemplify and elucidate her poetics and her sexual politics. I begin by briefly contextualising De Mim, which was written in the style of a literary apologia but also intended to be given as a public lecture. The poems are then presented in bilingual format. Based upon the experience of translating these poems, I conclude by assessing how well they support Teixeira’s call for artists to be allowed to create, unencumbered by hypocritical bourgeois moralising.


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Author Biography

  • Chris Gerry, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

    Leeds University (BA Economics 1969-1972; PhD Economics (1972-79); Tutor, Exeter University 1975-76; Lecturer, Centre for Development Studies, Swansea University, 1976-98. Research on 'informal employment' in developing countries via ILO, UNDP, IBRD, Commonwealth Secretariat and UK government funded projects. At Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique, 1979-81, I researched labour issues in nationalised industry and agriculture. As Visiting Research Fellow, UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal (1995-97) and subsequently Chair of Economic Theory & Policy at UTAD (2001-2016), my research focused on SME strategies, globalisation and crisis of the rural economy, and the promotion of local development. Now retired, I undertake literary translation (Florbela Espanca, Judith Teixeira, Maria de Mesquita Pimentel, Raul Leal, António Botto, among others) and conduct research on Portuguese fin-de-siècle author-translators (Florbela Espanca, Ana Plácido).



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Dossiê Especial: 100 anos da literatura de Sodoma

How to Cite

GERRY, Chris. Apologetics and poetics: a translator’s reflections on Judith Teixeira’s use of her own poetry in the public lecture de mim . Via Atlântica, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 2, p. 104–143, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/va.i2.208813. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/viaatlantica/article/view/208813.. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.