Smart: on the internets
Internet, smart curation, Frédéric Martel, globalizationAbstract
This article is based on three different researches. The first one is published in the book entitled Mainstream, and it is an observation of the cultural changes in the age of globalization. The second one relates the identity and gender issues, and the gay culture, observing the impacts of the globalization on the identity process. The third and more recently released research is Smart: on the internets, which reports the fast globalization process and its effects on the Internet. This research was performed in 50 different countries and presents the concept of smart curation.
Declaro a total e irrestrita cessão de direitos autorais sobre o texto enviado para publicação na Rumores – Revista Online de Comunicação, Linguagem e Mídias. Entendo que o conteúdo do artigo é de minha inteira responsabilidade, inclusive cabendo a mim a apresentação de permissão para uso de imagens, ilustrações, tabelas, gráficos de terceiros que, porventura, venham a integrá-lo.