Two screens, two times: the symmetry of parallel editing in the racialization of cinematographic territory in Haunted Minds (2016)
Montage, Territory, Race, Brazilian cinemaAbstract
Montage is an essential filming technique in moving images, being described as the great discovery of cinema (Aumont, 1995). The simplicity of its meaning — creating relation between images that can be of very different or similar natures based on a continuous measure of spacetime — results in arenas of power struggles related to foundational thinking about the Brazilian social reality. Thus, this study discusses the use of editing symmetry in the film Haunted Minds (2016) by Jonathas de Andrade as an introductory element for derivations of the racialization of the cinematographic territory based on a recurring (and watertight) argument in the history of cinema. Brazilian: Gilberto Freyre’s racial harmony.
O CASEIRO. Direção: Jonathas de Andrade. Produção: Jonathas de Andrade. Recife: sem distribuidora. 2016. Vídeo. 8 minutos, em loop.
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