The voice of the marginal character in Eugênio Sigaud's Acidente de trabalho and Chico Buarque's Construção
Subject, centrifugal force, work, society, class struggleAbstract
From the relation between the verbal and pictorial, the study shows the sign on Bakhtinian concepts as an arena where the class struggle develops. The corpus was the music of Chico Buarque Construction and the painting of Eugene de Proença Sigaud Work accident. In this context, it is possible to see how characters are constructed in both arts, such as centrifugal voices and ideological positions of the subjects are assumed to face an oppressive and mechanistic society . To this end, we built relations between the corpus and external elements, from social, historical and cultural areas. The theoretical work was based on the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin and others that incorporate his principles into their work.Downloads
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