On women, picaroons and escapes: memories from de Malvinas War.


  • Veronica Perera Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. Departamento de Humanidades y Artes




Argentina, Malvinas War 1982, Independent Theater


According to Lorenz (2013), the Memory, Truth and Justice policies implemented in Argentina between 2003 and 2015 offered new possibilities to revise “Malvinas” and question its meanings. How does this political scenario of “Malvinización” appear on independent theaters’ stages in Buenos Aires? How do dramatic texts translate, reflect, subvert, narrate and elaborate the memories of the Malvinas War and its dilemmas? This paper analyzes Mariana Mazover’s Piedras dentro de la Piedra, presented on March 30th, 2012, three days before the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the war, in La Carpintería Theater in Buenos Aires. We examine how this play recovers the intervention of women in the war, and in which way it explores the possibility theater shares with literary fiction of undermining key notions that symbolically support the war: national identity, motherland, and honor. 


Author Biography

  • Veronica Perera, Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. Departamento de Humanidades y Artes

    Doctora en Sociología (New School for Social Research, Nueva York, EEUU); Docente Investigadora en la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda, Departamento de Humanidades y Artes, Argentina; Investigadora asociada al Núcleo de Estudios de la Memoria Social, IDES, CIS-CONICET, Argentina. Areas actuales de investigación: arte y política; teatro independiente y movimiento de derechos humanos en Argentina; estudios de la memoria colectiva sobre la violencia política en Argentina. 



How to Cite

PERERA, Veronica. On women, picaroons and escapes: memories from de Malvinas War. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 12, p. 76–99, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i12p76-99. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/caracol/article/view/121424.. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.