DICT and teachers’ education: expanding classroom limits, critical thinking and autonomy
Teacher education, DICT, digital literacies, critical awareness, autonomy.Abstract
This paper presents some reflections about the experiences of using Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) in the Bachelor’s Degree in Portuguese and Spanish Language and Literature (Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo). These reflections arose from actions performed by some professors who aimed at providing undergraduate students with practical experiences and theoretical reflections that can offer them a more consistent preparation to deal with the contemporary society’s demands (M. Freire, 2009). The authors believe that teacher education must include the development of reflective and critical capacity (Freire, 1979; Dewey 1938/1963; Schön, 1992), as well as the perspectives for the use of DICT teaching as outlined by Buzato (2006, 2009), Valente and Silva (2006) and Masetto (2000). This paper discourses about the mistakes, achievements and adjustments of the experiences, and their impact on the undergraduate students and professors.
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