Beyond the national languages: Interlanguage and migration voice


  • Jorge Ignacio Cid Alarcón Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez



Heteroglossia, Interlanguade, Poetry, Neobarroso, Néstor Perlongher


This article reflects on the way in which Néstor
Perlongher’s poetry integrates, in his language, heteroglossic elements
and its effects at the symbolic and political level. We will analyze his
work Alambres written mixing Portuñol, Lunfardo and Gauchesca,
rebelling against grammar as a linguistic norm and device for controlling
the emotionality of speakers of the standardized mother tongue. In
this context, the use of heteroglossic mechanisms in literary creation
allows the poet to combat the matrification of subjectivity that
State languages carry, establishing the destabilization of their border
paradigms through the transgression of their language statutes.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Ignacio Cid Alarcón, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

    Jorge Cid es académico de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez y Docteur en Langue et Littérature Romane por la Université de Poitiers. Ha editado Una lengua en trance: Carmen Berenguer y Reynaldo Jiménez, poetas que nos interpelan y coeditado Contrarreforma Católica, implicancias sociales y culturales (Cuarto Propio, 2019). Como poeta ha publicado Labia Larvaria (Universidad de Concepción, 2009) y Éxodos (Cástor y Pólux, 2019).


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How to Cite

CID ALARCÓN, Jorge Ignacio. Beyond the national languages: Interlanguage and migration voice. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 21, p. 1148–1171, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.i21p1148-1171. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jun. 2024.