Samuel Beckett, o poeta entre as ruínas


  • Alan Cardoso da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense



Translation with commentary, Poetry translation, Transcreation, Samuel Beckett, Antifacist Beckett


Within this work I present my translation for three poems by the Irish writer Samuel Beckett, still unpublished in Brazilian Portuguese, (“Dieppe”, “Saint-Lô” and “Antipepsis”), which will be analyzed as “war poems”, since the author wrote them while resisting to the progress of Nazism in France. The relevance of this work is given as a contribution to studies on Beckett’s poetry (an author more notably remembered as a playwright and novelist than as a poet). These three poems were chosen as a proposal to commemorate an “antifascist Beckett”. The readers will find my translations alongside the original poems, followed by comments that explain the translational decisions, in addition to providing interpretations for the original poems.


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Author Biography

  • Alan Cardoso da Silva, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Graduando em Letras Português-Literaturas pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e estudante do Núcleo de Tradução e Criação (NTC/UFF), onde desenvolveu monografia sobre a tradução de poemas antifascistas de Samuel Beckett. Seu livro de poesia Aught foi publicado pela Editora Trevo, em maio de 2020. Além disso, tem poemas publicados nas revistas Ruído Manifesto e Mallarmargens.


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How to Cite

Samuel Beckett, o poeta entre as ruínas. (2021). Cadernos De Literatura Em Tradução, 23, 87-101.