Between deixis and disengagement: contributions of Textual Linguistics and Discursive Semiotics in the didactic approach to pronouns in texts
Reading, Song, Teaching, Referencing, EnunciationAbstract
The teaching of the Portuguese language, per normative references, especially the BNCC, considers the text as the unit of instruction. Through it, teachers should seek the development of their students’ competencies for the diverse, plural, and multiple uses of languages. Within this broad spectrum, the “language” itself must also be mobilized so that the mechanisms generating meaning in the text are recognized. Starting from the premise that linguistic elements should be studied in a contextualized way in the classroom, this article presents an approach for pronouns teaching, emphasizing the resulting effects of meaning. For this purpose, selecting a song from contemporary country culture as the object (Troca de calçada, by Marília Mendonça), the article builds on intersections between theoretical principles derived from both Textual Linguistics and Discursive Semiotics, exemplifying the possibility of teaching work with reading supported by an intersectional theoretical foundation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Lemes Guerra Junior, Lolyane Cristina Guerreiro de Oliveira, Ana Paula Pinheiro da Silveira
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