New Noises New Voices


  • Martina Raponi Noiserr



Noise, Deafness, Voice, Counterculrure, Soundscape, Vibration


As an artist interested in Noise, and a CODA (child of deaf adults), I will tackle the issue of noise and counterculture from the entry point of deafness and un-cultured voices. In ableist societies the voice is a cultural product, and certain voices, perceived as “other”, flawed, “noisy”, can open up discourses related to shared sonic spaces, disruption, and inclusivity. Soundscape is here described as a social and political environment, and the bodies immersed in it are considered according to the entire spectrum of their capacities, beyond listening, in rhythmanalytical terms. Soundscape, understood within the thresholds of audibility, expels and rejects communities which carry the stigma of “handicap”, such as Deaf communities. This theoretical exercise is accompanied by examples from contemporary art and technological-historical references, pointing at “acts of silencing” and “acts of noising”, while underlining the value of “deviant” bodies as resistant bodies. The paper ends with the testimony of a Deaf dancer who used my writings to produce her last two shows. I will refer to the audiological deaf using the lowercase, and capitalize the linguistic minority: Deaf. Despite being considered disabled, or deviant, Deaf bodies are the last example of countercultural agents in all-speaking and all-hearing ableist societies.


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Author Biography

  • Martina Raponi, Noiserr

    Martina Raponi is an Italian writer, artist, and curator based in Amsterdam. She authored a book on noise “Strategie del Rumore. Interferenze tra Arte Filosofia e Underground” (2015, Auditorium Ed., Milano). Martina researches noise, systems, and complexity, and is currently analysing deafhood through the notion of voice on the one hand, and algorithmic listening, streaming music technologies and the notion of the self they generate on the other. She is co-founder of Noiserr, reading and research group on noise, which has been held at Butcher’s Tears in Amsterdam on a regular basis since April 2017, and at WORM in Rotterdam from January until May 2019 in collaboration with Regenerative Feedback festival. She is board member of RC51 on Sociocybernetics at the ISA. Martina is also co-founder, together with Michael Dudeck, of the Ansible Institute, a roaming gathering of practitioners conducting research using the tools offered by the speculative fiction traditions.


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