Politics of listening: feminisms and community building


  • Lílian Campesato Universidade de São Paulo




Listening, Feminisms, Community building, Politics of listening


In this work I intend to explore the issue of listening in regards to gender and music by discussing two projects in which I have participated: the collective Sonora: Músicas e Feminismos; and the work on 'conversation' and 'self-listening' conducted in conjunction with Brazilian composer and scholar Valéria Bonafé. In both of them I want to stress the connection between the idea of community as a space for the establishment of differences and the question of listening as an exercise of otherness.




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Author Biography

  • Lílian Campesato, Universidade de São Paulo
    Lílian Campesato (b. 1981) is a Brazilian artist, scholar, and curator. She holds a PhD from the University of São Paulo, with a thesis on the process of aestheticization of noise in music. As a sound artist she has performed in festivals and venues in Brazil, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. As as researcher she is particularly interested in the fields of sound studies, experimental music, sound arts, and feminisms. Her texts discuss noise, experimentalism and counterhegemonic speeches. In 2015 she was one of the founders of the Sonora network: musics and feminisms, a collective dedicated to the discussion and expansion of feminist expressions in music and the arts, with a special focus on the Brazilian and Latin American contexts. She is a member of Laura - a place of research on auralities, a collective of scholars in sonology whose interests gravitate towards critical studies on aurality. Since 2017, she has developed the research project “Escuta de si: Poéticas Sonoras e Feminismos” in partnership with Brazilian composer and scholar Valéria Bonafé, in which they work with issues related to the inscription of subjectivity in a research based on listening poetics. She is fellow researcher at NuSom - Research Center in Sonology at USP since 2012. Currently she develops a collaborative research on listening and subjectivity in testimonies of recorded voice of women.


CAMPESATO, Lílian and BONAFÉ, Valéria. “La conversación como método para la emergencia de la escucha de sí”. El oído pensante 7 (1): 47-70, 2019. Retrieved from http://ppct.caicyt.gov.ar/index.php/oidopensante.

MICHELIS, Vanessa De. A critical Analyses of work: Creative Industries, cultural labour, organised feminisms and their implications in the shaping of new Brazilian sound art. Department of Film, Media and Cultural Studies Birkbeck University of London. 1-12, 2019. Unpublished.

HOLANDA, Heloísa Buarque de. Explosão Feminista: arte, cultura, política e universidade, Cia das Letras, 2018.

SOUZA-LIMA, Henrique Rocha de. Desenho de Escuta: políticas da auralidade na era do áudio ubíquo. Tese (Doutorado em Processos de Criação Musical) - Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2018.

RAGO, Margareth. A aventura de contar-se: feminismos, escrita de si e invenções da subjetividade, Ed Unicamp, 2013.




How to Cite

Politics of listening: feminisms and community building. (2020). Revista Música, 20(1), 493-500. https://doi.org/10.11606/rm.v20i1.172299