Norm structure of the Law number 6.729 about commercials concessions between producers and distributer's vehicles automotives terrestrials


  • Miguel Reale


Convenções de marca e de categoria.


The commercial concession agreement has already acquired, in the context of Brazilian Law, a different legal configuration, thanks to doctrine and jurisprudence. Among them, it is worth mentioning the concession agreement which governs relations between industrial companies and their distributors of ground automotive vehicles, pursuant to laws nrs. 6.729/79 and 8.132/90. The fact which distinguishes these laws is that they are complemented by "trademark conventions" and by "class conventions" whose nature and duties are studied by the author. At the end of his paper, professor Reale supports the thesis that the general rules of the Civil Code and its remainder complementary laws should be applied in the case of a legal gap on the part of the special legislation, having been invoked, in this sense, na important decision of our courts.


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How to Cite

Norm structure of the Law number 6.729 about commercials concessions between producers and distributer’s vehicles automotives terrestrials. (1996). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 91, 63-103.