Journeys of the scholar spectator in contemporaneity: conceptions and reverberations of the act of enjoying theater


  • Patrícia Gusmão Maciel Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Formation of spectators, Spectator pedagogy, Theatrical mediation, Theater and education.


This article aims to reflect on the spectators’ formation process, which involves theatrical mediation actions – understood as educational activity. The aim is to highlight two different projects dedicated to mediation activities in theater, focused on the formation of spectators in the public basic education, coming from cultural initiatives. The theoretical bases of the reflections are studies on the formation of theater spectators, developed by authors such as Flavio Desgranges and Roger Deldime.


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Author Biography

  • Patrícia Gusmão Maciel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    Mestre em Artes Cênicas pela UFRGS. Pesquisadora na área de teatro e educação, Pedagogia do Teatro e Pedagogia do Espectador.


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DELDIME, R. Les jeunes au pays du théâtre. Bruxelles: Lansman, 2006.

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How to Cite

Journeys of the scholar spectator in contemporaneity: conceptions and reverberations of the act of enjoying theater. (2016). Revista Aspas, 6(1), 114-125.