Vol. 21 No. 1 (2021): Dossier: Music in Quarantine; Dossier: International Meeting of Music Theory and Analysis - 10 Years

The v. 21 n. 1 (July 2021) of Revista Música presents the second part of the Dossier "Music in Quarantine", with reports from researchers on musical activities during the COVID-19 pandemic; the coordination fell to the invited editors, Profa. Dr. Magali Kleber (UEL), Prof. Dr. Luciane Cuervo (UFRGS), Prof. Dr. Sonia Ray (UFG) and Profa. Dr. Luciane Garbosa (UFSM). A second Dossier celebrates 10 years of the International Meeting of Music Theory and Analysis, coordinated by Profa. Dr. Adriana Lopes Moreira (USP), our invited editor. In addition, we also have five articles with free themes, by researchers from several Brazilian universities.