Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Book of Abstracts of the II International Symposium on Food Research

					View Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Book of Abstracts of the II International Symposium on Food Research

The second issue of Ingesta brings four articles by researchers from Bahia, São Paulo, and the University of Coimbra, as well as more than 100 abstracts from the papers presented during the II International Symposium on Food Research, held between December 4th and 6th 2019 at USP's History Building. The symposium is an initiative of the Laboratory of Historical Studies on Drugs and Food (LEHDA-USP), the academic website Comida na Cabeça, the Museu Paulista, the Postgraduate Program in Social History and the Laboratory of Studies on Brazil and the World System (LabMundi-USP), with the support of the History Department, FFLCH, CAPES, FAPESP, and Mocotó restaurant. Below, you will find the papers organized by alphabetical order within groups corresponding, first, to the international conferences, then to the roundtables, and finally to the thematic paper sessions "Hunger and Food (In)Security," "Regulatory Models," "Global Circuits," "Supply and Trade," "Material Culture and Heritage," "Identities and Representations," "Gender," and "Contemporary Diets." 

Published: 2019-12-03


Book of Abstracts